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The Legislative Gazette’s daily news site reaches important decision makers, elected officials, issue advocates, and policy professionals working in New York state government. For 40 years, the Gazette has been the source for articles on the politics, policies, and people that make New York State government happen.

The Legislative Gazette is a non-profit, educational program that offers journalism students the opportunity to report on events at the New York state Capitol and statewide political news. In order to continue this mission, we actively seek out advertisers who assist in the costs of operating our Albany newsroom.

We produce daily articles on our website, and special edition newsprints that cover important issues relevant to New York state. We work closely with advertisers by getting their messages to our knowledgeable and discerning audience. Understanding our advertisers’ goals, timeline, and budget, we provide prompt services, free in-house graphic design, and affordable rates for weekly and monthly advertisement campaigns.


“Those who are familiar with The Legislative Gazette know that it’s an indispensable resource in Albany. I always make it a habit to check the Gazette for the latest news and up-to-the-minute analysis of sometimes complex- but always important- happenings at the Capitol”

-NYS Corps Collaboration

“The Gazette targets members of teh State Senate and Assembly, and is free to the public. It is widley read in the various legislative offices – I know because  have seen people reading it frequently during my twelve years of visitng Albany seeking increased funding. This is an excellent way to keep our message in front of the Legislature even when we are not in their offices”

NYS Rehabilitation Association, Inc.

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The Legislative Gazette’s daily content, social media following, website analytics, and team of young reporters provide the community with in-depth, non-partisan news from our newsroom located down the hall from the Capitol.

Customized advertising strategies ensure that our clients reach decision makers who matter most. We provide our readers the most relevant and insightful advertisements that target their interest in state government. We do this by working closely with our advertisers to optimize their presence online for maximum reach.

The Legislative Gazette Section Sponsorship Program

In an effort to enhance our connection with the legislative community, we offer section sponsorships for our website. Sponsors receive discounted rates for exclusive content for 6 month contracts. We encourage sponsors to discuss their organization and its goals with our team to better educate our readers on the politics, policies, and people who run New York state government.

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