We are one people

LGBT family


To the editor,

All of us mourn the loss of life and the act of violence that occurred in Orlando last weekend. This was an attack on freedom-loving people and freedom-loving societies everywhere.

Acts of terrorism, foreign or domestic, aimed at gender, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation must be taken seriously. We must have zero tolerance for these acts.

Lopez head shot




None of us are immune to hatred such as this. We must stand together as one people against hatred of any kind and defend ourselves when necessary.

No one should have to live in fear.

Domestically, we must continue to dedicate ourselves to providing a framework of security, intelligence, and intervention, which allows us to live freely and safely.

In concert with this, we must continue to acknowledge our role as promoters of peace and security outside our borders.

We cannot turn a blind eye to the aggression and violence that victimize our brothers and sisters abroad, and we must seek ways to stabilize communities and nations in a way that reduces the potential for hateful radicalism to spread throughout our lands.

We are one people. This event must bind us together even closer.


Assemblyman Pete Lopez

This letter was read on the floor of the NYS Assembly

in support of Resolution 1563 that was adopted on June 15, 2016.