
Cuomo holds press conference in New York City to announce his plans for combating COVID clusters and stabilizing New York's economy

Testing provides clearer picture of virus spread; New program helps food banks and farmers

Additional testing of thousands of randomly selected New Yorkers shows that 14.9 percent of the population has the COVID-19 antibodies. Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced the state is expanding its antibody testing survey to get more data about the spread of infections among frontline workers and first responders. On Monday, state […]

Siena poll shows strong support for PAUSE until tests prove it’s safe to re-open

Siena poll shows strong support for PAUSE until tests prove it’s safe to re-open

According to a new Siena College Poll of 803 registered New York state voters, people trust Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s decision on reopening New York over President Donald Trump’s decision, with a margin of 78-16 percent, and Cuomo’s favorability ratings have seen a positive increase amid the coronavirus outbreak. Cuomo’s favorability rating […]

Legislators, advocates meet virtually to celebrate recent victories on 50th anniversary of Earth Day

Legislators, advocates meet virtually to celebrate recent victories on 50th anniversary of Earth Day

On Earth Day, April 22, lawmakers and representatives from several advocacy groups met virtually to discuss New York state’s progress on environmental protection over the past years and their plans for the future. Despite usually meeting in the Capitol, advocates still came together to discuss environmental legislation, specifically including the […]