League of Women Voters video educates young people on local elections

Legislative Gazette photo by Nicolas George

The League of Women Voters of Saratoga County released a video titled “Teach Me To Vote 2021,” encouraging a dialogue between “elementary students and the adults in their lives” about the upcoming elections and the importance of voting and civic education. 

Funded by the Saratoga County League of Women Voters and Stewart’s Shops, the video features Lezlie Dana, a Saratoga Springs resident, who explains the history of voting laws and customs in the United States, the importance of local elections, and where to get more information on candidates and the voting process.

“Teach Me To Vote” is written for children and young adults, with an emphasis on the importance of local elections and the constitutional amendments that will be on the ballot November 2.

The video is being made available to teachers, school administrators, executives of youth advocacy groups like Girls Inc. and Boys and Girls Clubs, Scout groups, parent teacher associations, home school associations, and church and temple education classes.

The video was written and produced by League member Suzanne Bishop of Ballston Lake, a retired fifth grade teacher.