Video: A Living Wage Fight

Legislative Gazette photos by Ashley Clareen

On March 8 — International Women’s Day — the group One Fair Wage held a flash mob and rally to increase tipped workers’ wages in the state Capitol.

Restaurant workers and their supporters orchestrated a 75-person flash mob as part of a rally on wages at the Million Dollar Staircase in the State Capitol. They say a staffing crisis in New York’s restaurants is due to the “subminimum wage” in the state.

The flash mob was part of a rally coordinated jointly between One Fair Wage, Raise Up NY, and the Fund for Excluded Workers to uplift the needs of working women.

On the same day, more than 100 workers from food pantries, domestic violence shelters, foster care agencies and more joined the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, & Asian Legislative Caucus and the Human Services Council, calling for passage of bills S. 4675 and A.3329, which would convene a wage board to investigate wages in the human services sector.

Video Produced by Alexander Thomas